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         ShenZhen BoNeng Mach&Electric Co., Ltd had established in 2003. Our companies supply machine parts of European and American origin and have contacts to international manufacturers. Our services include:
    · Preparation and sending of inquiries for requested goods (if necessary, after compiling missing technical information)
    · Comparison of offers received from different manufacturers
    · Finding the most satisfactory prices and shortest possible delivery date (often from stock)
    · Preparation of customs declarations according to the referring customs regulations
    · Delivery of goods by air freight to the customs clearance of the nearest airport
    · If requested, contacting new manufacturers to find alternative brands to those regularly used by you
    Our range of products is shown on the left of this page.
        If you inform us about your special requirements, we will provide you immediately with our detailed offer.
        Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
        We look forward to the pleasure of serving you and assure you that your inquiries will have our best attention.